Monday, December 16, 2024

Register for the "Bhikshavritti' Festival this December at Jeevika Ashram in Madhya Pradesh!

 Invitation: The Bhikshavritti Utsav!

27-28-29 December, 2024

Jeevika Ashram, Indrana, Jabalpur, M.P.

Dear friends,

In India every region has had a world of performing arts. It is said that in our country, ‘har kos pe paani badle aur chaar kos pe vaani.’ Similarly, the style and flavour of dance, song and story also varied with geography, producing thousands of artistic traditions including some widely recognised names like the Manganiyar, Patta-chitra and Behroopiya. And unlike the modern economy, where the artist must struggle for survival, there was also a different kind of economic order in which these traditions thrived.

This is a warm invitation to the Bhikshavritti Utsav at Jeevika Ashram later this month, which will celebrate the performing traditions and the socio-economic order that helped them thrive. Artists from Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Rajasthan, Bengal and MP will be gathering for this three day festival in the heart of rural MP, half an hour from the city of Jabalpur. Elders who have worked with the artist communities of these traditions will also be present to help us understand the historical and present contexts of the traditions.

To see more information, including the tentative schedule, and register for the festival, please see this link:

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Inviting Submissions from Followers of this Blog!

Greetings to one and all!

Inviting submissions for articles/posts on this blog from our lovely followers.

Please drop a message through the 'Contact form' button at the bottom of this blog to submit your articles/posts, which will be published on this Blog.

Looking forward to receiving your submissions! All the best.